TV Shows I’m Currently Loving

TV Shows I’m Currently Loving

Now that I’ve been back from university for a solid two and a half weeks, I’ve had plenty of time to finally catch up on all of the shows I’ve been dying to watch. Always scouring the internet and blog posts in search of the next TV show I should become obsessed with, I thought … Continue reading

Sunday Summary

Sunday Summary

Hey everyone! I’m introducing a new weekly feature to the blog today… *drum roll please* So what have I been doing & enjoying this past week? – NCS (with The Challenge) RCD Week from Monday-Thursday. I’ve been working as a Senior Mentor on the National Citizen Service’s three-week programme for young children aged 15-17. I look … Continue reading



It’s strange to think that I’m no longer classed as a ‘child’ anymore. I’m now considered an adult which means I should act accordingly and behave maturely. That one day can change everything is almost surreal: you can legally do anything you want. (Although, let’s face it, how likely is it that your parents will 100% let … Continue reading